Batch Rename OSX Clients

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In ARD run a unix task on the computers you want to rename. Select the bubble for the user and say root. The command you want to run is all that is in the block quote below.


/usr/bin/osascript << EOF 
property compName : ""

repeat while compName is ""
    tell application "Finder"
        display dialog "What should this computer be named:" default answer compName
        set compName to text returned of result
    end tell
end repeat

    do shell script "hostname " & quoted form of compName 
on error errorMsg number errorNum
    display alert "Error " & errorNum message errorMsg buttons "Cancel" default button 1
end try

scutil --set ComputerName "${name}"
scutil --set LocalHostName "${name}"

Hide Updates from Apple

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  1. Open the Mac App Store and go to the Updates tab as if you were going to install a software update
  2. Right-Click (or Control+Click) on the large OS X El Capitan banner and choose “Hide Update”
  3. Exit the App Store

Updateing Adobe Reader

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curl > AdobeReader.dmg
hdiutil attach AdobeReader.dmg
/Volumes/Adobe Reader Installer/Install Adobe Adobe Reader
hdiutil detach /Volumes/Adobe Reader Installer/
killall “Google Chrome”
killall "Safari"
killall "firefox"
rm -rf AdobeReader.dmg

Update Google Chrome

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curl > Chrome.dmg
hdiutil attach ./Chrome.dmg
killall "Google Chrome"
cp -rf /Volumes/Google Chrome/Google /Applications/
hdiutil detach /Volumes/Google Chrome/
rm -rf Chrome.dmg

Update FireFox Script

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curl ... 41.0.2.dmg[/url] > Firefox.dmg
hdiutil attach ./Firefox.dmg
killall "firefox"
cp -rf /Volumes/Firefox/ /Applications/
hdiutil detach /Volumes/Firefox/
rm -rf Firefox.dmg

Update Adobe Flash Player

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curl > AdobeFlashPlayer_19_a_install.dmg
hdiutil attach AdobeFlashPlayer_19_a_install.dmg
/Volumes/Adobe Flash Player Installer/Install Adobe Flash Adobe Flash Player
rm AdobeFlashPlayer_19_a_install.dmg

Life Changes

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So recently as the title implies my life has gone through some changes and pretty big ones at that. I have a new job in the field of my choice (Information Technology). I am now happily employed by PVUSD as a Technology Specialist III. I get the great opportunity to support and manage nine schools throughout the week. I deal a wide variety of systems and people. I do a lot of work on Macs and Mac servers with a few Windows servers round about. I am enjoying every moment of it and learning lots from it. I get the awesome pleasure of coming to the rescue of teachers in distress so they can teach students to the best of their ability with the best resources we can provide.

The next big change in my life is that my wife and I rescued a dog. We rescued a Chihuahua mix, we don't know what she is mixed with but she is very much a lover and loves to play just as much as she wants to lick us to death. She always greets us at the door when we come home. We have named her Prim but right now she is far from prim and proper but we spend much time with her getting her ever more closer.

My Favorite Engagement Photos

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My First Solo Bike ride

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So I finally have done now that I have my own bike was to go on a bike ride. I was a little disapointed with myself at how short the trip was but I liked the fact that I kept up y average your speed to 9mph.

Total distance: 4.39 km (2.7 mi) Total time: 17:10 Moving time: 16:39 Average speed: 15.35 km/h (9.5 mi/h) Average moving speed: 15.83 km/h (9.8 mi/h) Max speed: 39.60 km/h (24.6 mi/h) Average pace: 3.91 min/km (6.3 min/mi) Average moving pace: 3.79 min/km (6.1 min/mi) Fastest pace: 1.52 min/km (2.4 min/mi) Max elevation: 430 m (1410 ft) Min elevation: 396 m (1299 ft) Elevation gain: 29 m (94 ft) Max grade: 3 % Min grade: -7 %

View First Solo Bike Ride in a larger map

The Engagement

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